Orders are next day.
Minimum order purchase of $50 required, and minimum delivery fee of $12, up to $30, in our immediate area. We deliver to most locations in Pensacola, Pensacola Beach, Gulf Breeze Proper, Pace, Milton, and Cantonment. Timed deliveries are available for an additional fee.
Charges include setup and are approximately 10% of total decor selections. Payment Terms are 50% of Decor Total Due at Contract Signing, and 50% Due 3 days Prior to Event. Deposit Check may be required on any framework used.
Event Decorating
Balloon Safety & Environmental Responsibility
All Latex Balloons are 100% biodegradable. They are made from the sap of the rubber tree, and biodegrade at the same rate as an oak leaf. If released, the helium filled balloon will travel to a height of about 5 miles before it bursts into thousands of spaghetti-like pieces.
Foil balloons, also called mylar, are Not biodegradeble and should Never be released into the environment.
For more information on Balloons and the Environment, please visit